30 October 2012

Tuesday's Treasure

I don't often get to participate in Melody's Tuesday Treasures, but every so often I am in a position to do so.
This week, my selected treasure is my beautiful daughter, Larissa.

My firstborn.....
As a child enjoying a holiday at Hawks Nest.....she was a fashion stylist even then :)
As a caring teenager......

As a wife in love....

As a loving mother....

I have watched her grow...from a beautiful and cute baby, to a fun and caring child and teenager, then to a woman in love and now a loving mother. We celebrated many landmarks together, including her wedding, then 2 years later the birth of her son.
She has been daughter, friend and provider of my first grandchild. :)

Now, she is preparing for her next big venture.... She and her little family are moving.....not just to a new house, or even a new town. They are moving overseas - to Mauritius! Her husband has been offered an opportunity to partner in a business there. An opportunity to good to refuse. :)

I fully support their decision to venture out and wish them lots of wonderful experiences and opportunity. But it's hard. Very hard. I am going to miss her (and my Grandson - that goes without saying!) so very very much.


  1. I am sure you will miss her terribly but what a wonderful opportunity for her lovely family. Hope they have a fabulous time time.

  2. Oh I feel for you Lindi and it is hard when they go and do what we raise them to do. Live their own lives. I am sure you are going to miss them so much. They look like such a gorgeous little family. Such beautiful photos too.

  3. I too feel for you , I have grandchildren living at a distance and it is not easy .Your daughter is beautiful and I know you will miss her dearly but with todays technology it does make it a little easier :-) Hugs.

  4. Lindi, what a beautiful story line and photos. You will no doubt miss them, but as Michelle says, you raised your family to be independant and do what their heart desires. A mother can do no more than that, apart from the love.

  5. What a lovely woman your daughter is. I feel your pain, and totally empathize. Honestly, it won't be easy, and there's no way around it.
